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Drink Me Chai Artisan Blend





Ingredients: sugar, maltodextrin, potato starch, caramelized sugar, glucose syrup powder, black tea extract (2%), natural aroma, thickener: cellulose gum, spices, cinnamon (0.6%).


Preparing Chai Latte warm: 3 teaspoons Chai Latte + a cup of hot water + mix the whole = A delicious and warming drink! For a more creamy consistency, replace half of the hot water with warm frothed milk. Cold preparation: 4 teaspoons of Chai Latte pour into a blender + add 300ml cold milk with ice + blend for about 20 seconds = A delicious and refreshing drink!

Drink Me Chai Artisan Blend
Drink Me Chai Artisan Blend
Drink Me Chai Artisan Blend imageDrink Me Chai Artisan Blend image


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